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Unix Power Tools

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Index: T

T-shell (see tcsh shell)
t (test) command, sed editor: 34.21. The sed Test Command
table of contents, tar files: 39.2. Using tar to Create and Unpack Archives
39.2. Using tar to Create and Unpack Archives
column -t command: 21.16. Make Columns Automatically with column
creating with nroff and sed: 21.3. Alternatives to fmt
as argument separators: 27.12.1. Special Characters
filenames ending in: 8.11. Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name
TAB characters
added by diff command: 11.6. Problems with diff and Tabstops
displaying with cat -t and -e options: 12.4. Show Nonprinting Characters with cat -v or od -c
stripping in Bourne shell: 27.16. Here Documents
window systems running vi: 18.5. Keymaps for Pasting into a Window Running vi
TAB key, file completion and: 28.7. Don't Match Useless Files in Filename Completion
tail command: 12.8. How to Look at the End of a File: tail
-f option: 24.9.4. Statistics of Processes by PID
43.5. Redirection in C Shell: Capture Errors, Too?
log file, monitoring with: 37.1.1. Use -xv
monitoring file growth: 12.10. How to Look at Files as They Grow
-l (lines) option: 12.9. Finer Control on tail
-n option: 12.9. Finer Control on tail
-r (reverse) option: 12.9. Finer Control on tail
comparison with rot command: 21.21. Rotating Text
c option (count characters) or b option (count blocks): 12.9. Finer Control on tail
GNU version
follow=name and retry options: 12.11. GNU tail File Following
follow option: 12.11. GNU tail File Following
tail of a path name
dirs output for C shell prompt: 4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
:t operator: 28.5. String Editing (Colon) Operators
talk utility: 1.21. Unix Networking and Communications
2.7. What tty Am I On?
tape, backups to: 38.5.2. Backing Up to Tape
cpio program: 38.13. The cpio Tape Archiver
remote tape drives
using GNU tar: 38.8. Using GNU tar with a Remote Tape Drive
using tar: 38.7. Using tar to a Remote Tape Drive
restoring files with tar: 38.6. Restoring Files from Tape with tar
remote restoring: 38.6.2. Remote Restoring
tar utility
absolute pathnames, avoiding: 38.11. Avoid Absolute Paths with tar
backing up to tape: 38.5.2. Backing Up to Tape
compression, arguments for and against: 38.5.4. To gzip, or Not to gzip?
copying directory trees: 10.13. Copying Directory Trees with tar and Pipes
disk space optimization and: 15.7. Save Space: tar and compress a Directory Tree
encoding tarfiles into 7-bit: 21.12.1. uuencoding
filename extensions: 1.12. Filename Extensions
filename wildcards and: 33.3. Who Handles Wildcards?
functions: 39.2. Using tar to Create and Unpack Archives
GNU tar command
-c and -T options: 14.17. Deleting Stale Files
features of: 39.3. GNU tar Sampler
making backups: 38.2. tar in a Nutshell
online archives, creating: 39.1. Packing Up and Moving
remote tape drive, using for backups: 38.7. Using tar to a Remote Tape Drive
restoring files from tape: 38.6. Restoring Files from Tape with tar
remote restoring: 38.6.2. Remote Restoring
restoring a few files: 38.6.1. Restoring a Few Files
tar command
-c (create) option: 38.4. More Ways to Back Up
-f (file) option: 38.4. More Ways to Back Up
-I option to run bzip2: 15.7. Save Space: tar and compress a Directory Tree
-l option (for links): 15.7. Save Space: tar and compress a Directory Tree
-t option: 38.6.1. Restoring a Few Files
-t or -tv options, listing files in archive: 15.7. Save Space: tar and compress a Directory Tree
-v (verbose) option: 10.13. Copying Directory Trees with tar and Pipes
38.4. More Ways to Back Up
-z option to run gzip: 15.7. Save Space: tar and compress a Directory Tree
C option: 10.13. Copying Directory Trees with tar and Pipes
command-line arguments, order of: 38.12. Getting tar's Arguments in the Right Order
extracting all files from archive: 15.7. Save Space: tar and compress a Directory Tree
extracting some files from archive: 15.7. Save Space: tar and compress a Directory Tree
options: 39.2. Using tar to Create and Unpack Archives
unpacking archives: 30.3. My Favorite Is !$
43.1. Using Standard Input and Output
wildcards, using: 38.10. Using Wildcards with tar
with GNU tar: 38.10.2. With GNU tar
Tcl: 28.18. Expect
tclsh shell: 1.6. There Are Many Shells
TCP: 46.1. TCP/IP — IP Addresses and Ports
wrapper programs: 48.12. TCP Wrappers
tcpd daemon: 48.12. TCP Wrappers
tcpdump program: 46.4. Where, Oh Where Did That Packet Go?
IP addresses and ports, addresses: 46.1.1. Internet Protocol (IP)
SMB traffic, mapping onto: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba
TCP, UDP, and ICMP: 46.1.2. Layer 4 Protocols: TCP, UDP, and ICMP
tcp_wrappers package: 46.5. The Director of Operations: inetd
tcsh shell: 1.6. There Are Many Shells
24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
27.1. What the Shell Does
27.3.3. Types of Shells
30.13. Pass History to Another Shell
(see also C shell)
{ } (pattern-expansion characters), building strings with: 28.4. Build Strings with { }
aliases: 29.2. Introduction to Shell Aliases
with command-line arguments: 29.3. C-Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
command history: 30.1. The Lessons of History
command-line editing: 30.14.3. tcsh Editing
completion features: 28.6. Automatic Completion
command-specific: 28.6.3. Command-Specific Completion
configuration files: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
current directory, updating in status line: 4.8. Session Info in Window Title or Status Line
cwdcmd alias for status line updates: 4.8. Session Info in Window Title or Status Line
exit status of previous command: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
> in the prompt: 1.7. Which Shell Am I Running?
highlighting in: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
history (see history of commands)
history file: 30.12.2. C Shells
timestamp-comments in: 30.13. Pass History to Another Shell
limiting file size: 15.5.1. limit and ulimit
loginsh variable: 3.4.1. Login Shells
ls -F built-in command: 8.6. Color ls
8.10. Useful ls Aliases
LS_COLORS environment variable: 8.6.2. Configuring It
pre-prompt commands: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
printexitvalue shell variable: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
prompt, setting: 4.2. Static Prompts
quotation marks around filenames: 10.9. Renaming, Copying, or Comparing a Set of Files
right-side prompts: 4.11. Right-Side Prompts
rmstar variable, confirming file deletions: 14.4. Tricks for Making rm Safer
set echo verbose command: 5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
special characters/operators: 27.17. "Special" Characters and Operators
stop command: 23.7. System Overloaded? Try Stopping Some Jobs
su f stucklogin command: 5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
wildcards: 33.4. What if a Wildcard Doesn't Match?
35.3. What Environment Variables Are Good For
window name, setting and testing: 3.17. Terminal Setup: Setting and Testing Window Name
.tcshrc file
multiline prompt showing directory stack: 4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
set echo verbose command: 5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
shlvl shell variable: 4.12. Show Subshell Level with $SHLVL
.tcshrc files: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
tee program: 43.8. Send Output Two or More Places
collecting output of several commands into one file: 43.9. How to tee Several Commands into One Place
process substitution, using with: 43.10. Redirecting Output to More Than One Place
Tek Options menu (xterm): 5.17. The xterm Menus
teletype: 1.4. Communication with Unix
telnet utility: 1.21. Unix Networking and Communications
enabling on Mac OS X: 51.1. Enabling Remote Access on Mac OS X
logging in to host again from same terminal: 3.6. Tip for Changing Account Setup: Keep a Shell Ready
stalled connection with: 5.6.4. Stalled Data Connection?
suspending jobs: 23.13. Stopping Remote Login Sessions
temporary files
filenames ending with ~: 31.11. Finding (Anyone's) Home Directory, Quickly
handling text with: 28.15. Handling Lots of Text with Temporary Files
history numbers, using to locate and remove: 30.7. History by Number
redirecting output to: 37.1.1. Use -xv
swap space on hard disk: 48.6.2. Checking Swap Space
traps, using to clean up: 35.17. Trapping Exits Caused by Interrupts
unique filename generation for: 8.17. Picking a Unique Filename Automatically
vi editor, running out of space for: 17.27. Out of Temporary Space? Use Another Directory
TERM environment variable: 3.10. Automatic Setups for Different Terminals
5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
setting with tset command: 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
testing with case statement: 35.10. Test String Values with Bourne-Shell case
TERM (terminate) signal: 23.3. Using jobs Effectively
24.10. What Are Signals?
24.13. Printer Queue Watcher: A Restartable Daemon Shell Script
ignoring with nohup command: 23.10. nohup
kill command, using with: 24.12. Destroying Processes with kill
killall command, sending with: 24.16.1. killall -i
termcap database: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
termcap entries: 18.2.1. Command Mode Maps
TERMCAP environment variable: 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
resetting with resize command: 5.5. Querying Your xterm Size: resize
terminal driver, eating backslashes before special characters: 27.18. How Many Backslashes?
terminal emulators: 1.22. The X Window System
1.22. The X Window System
5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
terminal settings and: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
Terminal program (Mac OS X)
color capabilities: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
command-k to delete scrollback buffer: 4.17. Running Commands When You Log Out
terminal type, setting in shell setup files: 3.5. What Goes in Shell Setup Files?
automatic setup
environment variables, testing: 3.14. Terminal Setup: Testing Environment Variables
terminal table, searching: 3.15. Terminal Setup: Searching Terminal Table
testing port (tty) numbers: 3.13. Terminal Setup: Testing Port
testing remote hostname and X display: 3.12. Terminal Setup: Testing Remote Hostname and X Display
testing window size: 3.16. Terminal Setup: Testing Window Size
window name, setting and testing: 3.17. Terminal Setup: Setting and Testing Window Name
automatic setups: 3.10. Automatic Setups for Different Terminals
capabilities of (see termcap database)
configuring: 5.1. There's a Lot to Know About Terminals
erase, kill, and interrupt characters: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
finding terminal settings with stty command: 5.7. Find Out Terminal Settings with stty
querying terminal type with qterm: 5.4. Querying Your Terminal Type: qterm
size of xterm windows: 5.5. Querying Your xterm Size: resize
terminal hangs at login, fixing: 5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
terminal type, setting: 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
xterm: 5.9. Working with xterm and Friends
controlling terminal: 24.6. The Controlling Terminal
/dev/tty file: 36.15. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
escape sequences for nonprinting characters: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
Gnome: 1.10. The Kernel and Daemons
Linux virtual consoles: 4.12. Show Subshell Level with $SHLVL
23.12. Linux Virtual Consoles
login and nonlogin shells: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
Mac OS X: 3.2. The Mac OS X Terminal Application
outputting text from command line into: 36.26. Outputting Text to an X Window
reading from, process groups and: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
reading/writing from: 43.1. Using Standard Input and Output
screen editors vs.: 5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
settings in .cshrc.$HOST file: 3.18. A .cshrc.$HOST File for Per Host Setup
status line: 4.8. Session Info in Window Title or Status Line
status line, current directory information: 4.8. Session Info in Window Title or Status Line
TERM environment varialbe: 35.3. What Environment Variables Are Good For
termcap database: 5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
TERMCAP environment variable: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
terminfo database: 5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
tty number for current users: 2.8. Who's On?
tty types: 2.7. What tty Am I On?
unkillable processes: 24.18. Cleaning Up an Unkillable Process
windows without shells: 24.21. Terminal Windows Without Shells
WTS, connecting to with Citrix: 47.9. Citrix: Making Windows Multiuser
loops: 31.6. Loop Control: break and continue
processes, signals for: 24.10. What Are Signals?
processes, stopping vs.: 23.3. Using jobs Effectively
terminating lines (see newlines)
terminfo database: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
resizing windows: 5.5. Querying Your xterm Size: resize
terminfo entries: 18.2.1. Command Mode Maps
test command: 35.26. test: Testing Files and Strings
-a and -o (and and or) operators: 36.25. Testing Two Strings with One case Statement
numeric tests, errors in: 37.3. Stop Syntax Errors in Numeric Tests
sed editor, script.tidy using in: 37.8. Cleaning script Files
string tests, syntax errors: 37.4. Stop Syntax Errors in String Tests
versions of: 35.26. test: Testing Files and Strings
in while loops: 35.22. Handling Arguments with while and shift
test (t) command, sed editor: 34.21. The sed Test Command
character strings using expr: 36.22. Testing Characters in a String with expr
exit status with if statement: 35.13. Test Exit Status with the if Statement
find command results: 9.10. Using -exec to Create Custom Tests
interactive programs with Expect: 28.18.3. Testing: A Story
strings with case statement: 36.25. Testing Two Strings with One case Statement
terminal type with tset command: 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
CTAN: 45.13. Formatting Markup Languages — troff, LATEX, HTML, and So On
typesetting with: 45.13. Formatting Markup Languages — troff, LATEX, HTML, and So On
analyzing, paired items, checking: 16.8. Looking for Closure
converting files into printing language: 45.15. Converting Text Files into a Printing Language
copying and pasting between windows running vi: 18.5. Keymaps for Pasting into a Window Running vi
copying and pasting in xterms
between windows: 5.21. Tips for Copy and Paste Between Windows
large selections with xclipboard, problems with: 5.20. Problems with Large Selections
xclipboard, using: 5.19. Working with xclipboard
editing features in Emacs: 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List
editors for (see editors)
empty files and: 43.12. What Can You Do with an Empty File?
formatting for phototypesetters: 45.1. Introduction to Printing
formatting with enscript command: 45.7. Formatting Plain Text: enscript
formatting with pr command: 45.6. Formatting Plain Text: pr
handling with temporary files: 28.15. Handling Lots of Text with Temporary Files
highlighting with hgrep: 13.16. A Highlighting grep
outputting to an X window: 36.26. Outputting Text to an X Window
titlebars and icons, setting xterms for: 5.15. Setting the Titlebar and Icon Text
transformations on, using sed editor: 34.13. Transformations on Text
text files
filename extension: 1.12. Filename Extensions
newline character in: 1.19. When Is a File Not a File?
text processing
making automatically with column: 21.16. Make Columns Automatically with column
making with pr: 21.15. Making Text in Columns with pr
converting with dd utility: 21.13. Text Conversion with dd
indenting text: 21.7. offset: Indent Text
neatening text with fmt: 21.2. Neatening Text with fmt
paired item checking: 16.8. Looking for Closure
re-formatting comment lines: 21.4. Clean Up Program Comment Blocks
removing mail/news headers: 21.5. Remove Mail/News Headers with behead
rotating text: 21.21. Rotating Text
selecting and cutting columns: 21.14. Cutting Columns or Fields
splitting files by context: 21.10. Splitting Files by Context: csplit
straightening jagged columns: 21.17. Straightening Jagged Columns
Text widget commands, editing text sent to xclilpboard: 5.19. Working with xclipboard
Text::Autoformat Perl module: 21.3. Alternatives to fmt
textual analysis, words, extracting: 16.9. Just the Words, Please
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol): 48.5. What We Mean by DoS
then statement: 35.13. Test Exit Status with the if Statement
empty, creating with : operator: 36.6. The Unappreciated Bourne Shell ":" Operator
tilde (~) operator: 3.7. Use Absolute Pathnames in Shell Setup Files
time: 30.7. History by Number
(see also date and time; timestamps)
fields in crontab entries: 25.2.1. Execution Scheduling
file changes and modifications: 8.2. The Three Unix File Times
finding oldest or newest files by: 8.3. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
of login, recording: 3.1. What Happens When You Log In
picking to run at jobs: 25.8. Avoiding Other at and cron Jobs
showing with history command: 30.7. History by Number
on Unix systems: 37.6. How Unix Keeps Time
time command: 26.1. Timing Is Everything
26.2. Timing Programs
36.3. Don't Need a Shell for Your Script? Don't Use One
time daemon: 37.6. How Unix Keeps Time
time operators, find command (-mtime, -atime, and -ctime): 9.7. The Times That find Finds
9.8. Exact File-Time Comparisons
Time to go now.... message: 25.9. Waiting a Little While: sleep
timeout keyword: 28.18. Expect
timestamps: 8.2. The Three Unix File Times
arbitrary, creating files with: 9.8. Exact File-Time Comparisons
comparing with make program: 11.10. make Isn't Just for Programmers!
inode information: 14.2. How Unix Keeps Track of Files: Inodes
kept by tcsh and zsh with their history: 30.7. History by Number
listing with diff commands: 11.3. Context diffs
listing/finding files by: 8.3. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
8.8. A csh Alias to List Recently Changed Files
8.14. Listing Files by Age and Size
sed editor and: 34.4.2. runsed
timex command: 26.2. Timing Programs
timezones, TZ variable for: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
timing programs: 26.2. Timing Programs
tip program: 28.18.1. Dialback
titlebars in xterm: 5.15. Setting the Titlebar and Icon Text
/tmp directory: 40.1. /usr/bin and Other Software Directories
history files in: 30.12.1. bash, ksh, zsh
sharing with SMB network: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba
tolower command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
toolkits (X Window): 6.3. X Resource Syntax
top command: 24.5. The ps Command
26.1. Timing Is Everything
top-level domains (TLDs): 46.9. Domain Name Service (DNS)
touch command
-i file, creating for file deletion: 14.8. Safer File Deletion in Some Directories
creating file with arbitrary timestamp: 9.8. Exact File-Time Comparisons
toupper command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
tpipe command: 43.10. Redirecting Output to More Than One Place
tr command: 16.7. Find a a Doubled Word
21.11. Hacking on Characters with tr
-cs options, listing words in a file: 16.9. Just the Words, Please
-d option, deleting characters in strings: 21.11. Hacking on Characters with tr
Berkeley vs. System V: 21.11. Hacking on Characters with tr
converting characters: 1.8. Anyone Can Program the Shell
filtering vi text through to convert case: 17.18. Filtering Text Through a Unix Command
NUL-separated entries from environ file, translating to newline-separated lines: 24.9.4. Statistics of Processes by PID
squeeze option: 21.11. Hacking on Characters with tr
storing control characters in shell variables: 37.8. Cleaning script Files
traceroute program: 46.4. Where, Oh Where Did That Packet Go?
tracked aliases: 27.6. Controlling Shell Command Searches
29.5. Korn-Shell Aliases
transform command (y), sed editor: 34.13. Transformations on Text
34.15. Transforming Part of a Line
translation tables: 6.4. X Event Translations
example: 6.4. X Event Translations
syntax for specifying as a resource: 6.4. X Event Translations
Transport Control Protocol (see TCP TCP/IP)
trap command: 4.15. External Commands Send Signals to Set Variables
24.11. Killing Foreground Jobs
24.13. Printer Queue Watcher: A Restartable Daemon Shell Script
exits caused by interrupted scripts: 35.17. Trapping Exits Caused by Interrupts
signals for: 35.17. Trapping Exits Caused by Interrupts
trapping signals: 24.10. What Are Signals?
trash directory: 14.9. Safe Delete: Pros and Cons
trees, directory (see under directories)
troff: 45.11. A Bit of Unix Typesetting History
45.13. Formatting Markup Languages — troff, LATEX, HTML, and So On
stalled data connections: 5.6.4. Stalled Data Connection?
stray prompt problems: 4.5. C-Shell Prompt Causes Problems in vi, rsh, etc.
true command: 36.6. The Unappreciated Bourne Shell ":" Operator
true (exit status) utility: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
true or false values in Perl: 41.5.1. Scalars
trusted-host authentication, problems with: 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
tset command: 3.10. Automatic Setups for Different Terminals
5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
key settings, changes in: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
m (map) option: 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
Q (quiet) option: 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
TSTP (stop) signal: 24.10. What Are Signals?
tty: 1.4. Communication with Unix
tty command: 2.7. What tty Am I On?
24.6. The Controlling Terminal
tty number
displaying with usernames: 2.8. Who's On?
in ps listing: 24.6. The Controlling Terminal
tty serial port, for activity monitoring: 24.2. fork and exec
tty-type virtual consoles: 23.12.1. What Are They?
ttys and ttytab files: 3.15. Terminal Setup: Searching Terminal Table
twm window manager: 47.7.2. Setting up VNC on Unix
type command: 2.6. Which Version Am I Using?
27.9. Which One Will bash Use?
-type operator (find command): 9.12. Finding Many Things with One Command
9.13. Searching for Files by Type
typescript file: 37.7. Copy What You Do with script
typeset -f command, listing functions you've defined: 29.11.5. Conclusion
typesetting: 45.1. Introduction to Printing
converting typeset files into printing language: 45.16. Converting Typeset Files into a Printing Language
manpages with nroff: 45.12. Typesetting Manpages: nroff
overview: 45.10. Introduction to Typesetting
Unix history of: 45.11. A Bit of Unix Typesetting History
typos, fixing with vi abbreviations: 17.25. Fixing Typos with vi Abbreviations
TZ (timezone) environment variable: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables

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