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Unix Power Tools

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Index: A

abbreviations for words, vi editor: 17.23. vi Word Abbreviation
commands, using as: 17.24. Using vi Abbreviations as Commands (Cut and Paste Between vi's)
.exrc files, saving in: 17.5. Local Settings for vi
fixing typos with: 17.25. Fixing Typos with vi Abbreviations
abbreviations in pathnames: 1.16. Making Pathnames
absolute pathnames: 1.9. Internal and External Commands
31.2. Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
31.2. Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
archiving with: 39.3. GNU tar Sampler
creating: 31.2. Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
to directory containing new search path: 27.6. Controlling Shell Command Searches
Emacs and: 19.9. Unset PWD Before Using Emacs
links to: 10.6. Stale Symbolic Links
10.8. Showing the Actual Filenames for Symbolic Links
in shell setup files: 3.7. Use Absolute Pathnames in Shell Setup Files
tar, avoiding with: 38.11. Avoid Absolute Paths with tar
access control
files (see permissions)
firewalls, using: 46.12. Firewalls
host-based, rsh command and: 6.10.2. Starting a Remote Client with rsh and ssh
incoming connections, with tcp_wrappers: 46.5. The Director of Operations: inetd
remote access (see ssh)
Samba: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba
47.3. Securing Samba
sshd program: 46.6. Secure Shell (SSH)
user-based, xauth command and: 6.10.2. Starting a Remote Client with rsh and ssh
access method for software package files, choosing: 40.5.1. Choosing the Access Method
access modes for files: 7.5. Private (Personal) Directories
14.2. How Unix Keeps Track of Files: Inodes
private directory: 7.5. Private (Personal) Directories
setting for files with find: 9.12. Finding Many Things with One Command
supplying with mkdir command: 7.8. Making Directories Made Easier
access times for files: 8.2. The Three Unix File Times
-atime operator with find: 9.6. Be an Expert on find Search Operators
locating files by: 14.17. Deleting Stale Files
last-access time, showing: 8.3. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
accidental file deletion, protecting against: 14.4. Tricks for Making rm Safer
accounting name for commands: 24.8. Why ps Prints Some Commands in Parentheses
accounts: 3.6. Tip for Changing Account Setup: Keep a Shell Ready
(see also groups; users)
protecting: 48.1. Understanding Points of Vulnerability
setup, changing: 3.6. Tip for Changing Account Setup: Keep a Shell Ready
IP: 46.1.1. Internet Protocol (IP)
displayed with netstart -n: 46.3. Status and Troubleshooting
displaying with dig: 46.3. Status and Troubleshooting
hostname mapping to: 46.9. Domain Name Service (DNS)
NAT (Network Address Translation): 46.11. Gateways and NAT
46.11. Gateways and NAT
46.13. Gatewaying from a Personal LAN over a Modem
sed editor: 34.5. sed Addressing Basics
TCP and UDP: 46.1.2. Layer 4 Protocols: TCP, UDP, and ICMP
addressing lines for batch editing: 20.3. Line Addressing
adduser (or useradd) utility: 49.2. When Does a User Become a User
Adobe Acrobat Reader and PDF: 45.14. Printing Languages — PostScript, PCL, DVI, PDF
Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Amanda): 38.14. Industrial Strength Backups
afio utility: 38.5.4. To gzip, or Not to gzip?
age of files: 8.14. Listing Files by Age and Size
-agent option, ssh: 38.9. On-Demand Incremental Backups of a Project
compromised machines in DDoS attacks: 48.5. What We Mean by DoS
SSH, problems with: 51.6. Key and Agent Problems
agrep command (approximate grep): 13.1. Different Versions of grep
13.6. Approximate grep: agrep
-d option: 13.6. Approximate grep: agrep
compound searches with: 13.10. Compound Searches
13.11. Narrowing a Search Quickly
multiple patterns with AND (or OR) queries: 13.6. Approximate grep: agrep
OpenSSH: 51.3. Free SSH with OpenSSH
ps command: 24.5. The ps Command
alias command: 29.2. Introduction to Shell Aliases
-d (directory) option: 29.5. Korn-Shell Aliases
-g (global) option in zsh shell: 29.6. zsh Aliases
-m (match) option: 29.6. zsh Aliases
-t (tracked) option: 29.5. Korn-Shell Aliases
Bourne-type shells: 29.4. Setting and Unsetting Bourne-Type Aliases
aliases: 1.9. Internal and External Commands
29.2. Introduction to Shell Aliases
!* sequence in: 30.8. History Substitutions
Bourne-type shells: 29.4. Setting and Unsetting Bourne-Type Aliases
removing: 29.4. Setting and Unsetting Bourne-Type Aliases
C shell: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
3.5. What Goes in Shell Setup Files?
if-then-else in: 29.9. How to Put if-then-else in a C-Shell Alias
with command-line arguments: 29.3. C-Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
for cd command: 4.8. Session Info in Window Title or Status Line
31.9. Quick cds with Aliases
changing to shell functions: 29.11. Shell Function Basics
clean, removing stale files with: 14.17. Deleting Stale Files
for constant-width fonts: 5.16. The Simple Way to Pick a Font
defined on command lines: 29.2. Introduction to Shell Aliases
file-deletion: 14.7. A Faster Way to Remove Files Interactively
findpt: 13.3. Finding Text That Doesn't Match
group-write permissions: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World
inside the ($?prompt) test: 3.9. Gotchas in set prompt Test
kill command and: 24.15. Killing Processes by Name?
Korn shell: 29.5. Korn-Shell Aliases
limitations of: 29.7. Sourceable Scripts
lr, listing recently changed files: 8.8. A csh Alias to List Recently Changed Files
ls command: 8.10. Useful ls Aliases
newer (printing newest filename): 8.15. newer: Print the Name of the Newest File
permission changes, handling with: 50.7. Protect Important Files: Make Them Unwritable
precmd (tcsh shell): 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
prompt set inside: 4.7. Multiline Shell Prompts
for pushd command: 31.8. Nice Aliases for pushd
quoting: 29.3. C-Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
29.9. How to Put if-then-else in a C-Shell Alias
fixing in csh with makealias and quote: 29.10. Fix Quoting in csh Aliases with makealias and quote
reading logout file when using exit command: 3.8. Setup Files Aren't Read When You Want?
recursive: 29.8. Avoiding C-Shell Alias Loops
redefining commands, problems with: 29.8. Avoiding C-Shell Alias Loops
setprompt: 4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
shell functions and: 29.11. Shell Function Basics
simulating in Bourne shell: 29.14. Simulated Bourne Shell Functions and Aliases
sourceable scripts, options for: 29.7. Sourceable Scripts
tracked: 27.6. Controlling Shell Command Searches
wildcards in: 27.7. Wildcards Inside Aliases
word vectors and: 27.10. Which One Will the C Shell Use?
zsh: 29.6. zsh Aliases
alphabetic sorting vs. numeric: 22.5. Alphabetic and Numeric Sorting
ALT key in Emacs: 19.1. Emacs: The Other Editor
alternation in regular expression pattern matching: 32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
alternation operator (|): 13.4. Extended Searching for Text with egrep
13.5. grepping for a List of Patterns
Amanda (Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver): 38.14. Industrial Strength Backups
anacron system: 25.2. Periodic Program Execution: The cron Facility
anchors (in regular expressions): 32.4. Using Metacharacters in Regular Expressions
^ and $ anchor characters: 32.5. Regular Expressions: The Anchor Characters ^ and $
anchor characters, examples of: 32.5. Regular Expressions: The Anchor Characters ^ and $
and (-a) operator, case command: 36.25. Testing Two Strings with One case Statement
AND operator: 9.6. Be an Expert on find Search Operators
agrep command, searching for multiple patterns: 13.6. Approximate grep: agrep
& (logical AND) operator: 36.21.1. Syntax
&& (Boolean) AND: Patterns
28.16. Separating Commands with Semicolons
30.10. Running a Series of Commands on a File
and operator (Boolean): 41.5.1. Scalars
Ange-ftp mode (Emacs): 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List
anonymous FTP: 27.16. Here Documents
server, configuring: 46.7. Configuring an Anonymous FTP Server
anonymous functions (Python): 42.3.2. Functions
Apache webserver, module for running Python: 42.4. Python and the Web
42.9. mod_python
append command (ex): 20.4. Useful ex Commands
default files for resources: 6.9. Listing the Current Resources for a Client: appres
names of, resources and: 6.7. How -name Affects Resources
relationship with kernel, shell, and utilities: 1.4. Communication with Unix
running remotely and viewing on local display: 6.10. Starting Remote X Clients
appres (application resource) utility: 6.9. Listing the Current Resources for a Client: appres
approximate patterns, searching for (see agrep command)
apsfilter script: 45.17. Converting Source Files Automagically Within the Spooler
apt-get tool: 40.6. Installing Software with Debian's Apt-Get
archives: 39.1. Packing Up and Moving
Amanda system: 38.14. Industrial Strength Backups
copying without asking for password: 38.9. On-Demand Incremental Backups of a Project
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network): 41.3. Compiling Perl from Scratch
cpio tape archiver: 38.13. The cpio Tape Archiver
deleted files on tape: 14.17. Deleting Stale Files
filename extensions: 1.12. Filename Extensions
packing up and moving files: 39.1. Packing Up and Moving
shell: 1.12. Filename Extensions
tar (see tar utility)
version control systems: 39.4. Managing and Sharing Files with RCS and CVS
CVS: 39.7. CVS Basics
RCS: 39.5. RCS Basics
arguments: 27.11. Is It "2>&1 file" or "> file 2>&1"? Why?
(see also command line; commands)
executing as commands (xarg command): 9.2. Delving Through a Deep Directory Tree
filenames in: 27.14. Quoting Special Characters in Filenames
finding last: 36.9. Finding the Last Command-Line Argument
iterating shell variables over: 37.5. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
maximum allowable: 28.17. Dealing with Too Many Arguments
passed to scripts: 1.8. Anyone Can Program the Shell
passing lists to other programs with $@: 37.5. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
Python functions: 42.3.2. Functions
lambdas as: 42.3.2. Functions
reading by shells: 27.11. Is It "2>&1 file" or "> file 2>&1"? Why?
separators for: 27.12.1. Special Characters
27.13.2. How Quoting Works
C shell quoting and: 27.14. Quoting Special Characters in Filenames
inside backquotes: 28.14. Command Substitution
showargs script: 27.5. Output Command-Line Arguments One by One
stored in $1, $2, etc.: 29.11.3. Setting Current Shell Environment: The work Function
too many, dealing with: 28.17. Dealing with Too Many Arguments
arguments too long error message: 9.2. Delving Through a Deep Directory Tree
@ARGV array (Perl): 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
argv, variables set to: 37.5. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
arithmetic (built-in) for shells: 29.11.4. Functions Calling Functions: Factorials
arithmetic operators: 36.21.1. Syntax
array indexes, Perl: 21.14. Cutting Columns or Fields
awk utility and: 20.10.5. Variables and Array Assignments
Perl: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
41.5. Perl Boot Camp, Part 2: Variables and Data Types
41.5.2. Arrays
iterating through: 41.5.2. Arrays
lists vs.: 41.5.2. Arrays
operators used with: 41.5.2. Arrays
browsing directories with: 9.23. Using Shell Arrays to Browse Directories
expanding ranges: 9.23.2. Expanding Ranges
arrow keys
cursor motion in vi text-input mode without using: 18.11. Text-Input Mode Cursor Motion with No Arrow Keys
Emacs editor, moving around in: 19.1. Emacs: The Other Editor
mapping in vi: 18.2.2. Text-Input Mode Maps
ASCII: 14.14. Using unlink to Remove a File with a Strange Name
(see also non-ASCII characters)
converting to EBCDIC with dd: 21.13. Text Conversion with dd
encoding binary files into: 21.12. Encoding "Binary" Files into ASCII
MIME encoding: 21.12.2. MIME Encoding
uuencoding: 21.12.1. uuencoding
end-of-line characters: 1.8. Anyone Can Program the Shell
filename extension: 1.12. Filename Extensions
printable representation of unprintable and non-ASCII characters: 12.4. Show Nonprinting Characters with cat -v or od -c
xterm table of characters and character classes: 5.14. Defining What Makes Up a Word for Selection Purposes
zeros (NUL characters): 43.12. What Can You Do with an Empty File?
ash shell: 1.6. There Are Many Shells
27.1. What the Shell Does
aspell utility: 16.2. Check Spelling Interactively with ispell
-a option: 16.3. How Do I Spell That Word?
Assembly language code extension: 1.12. Filename Extensions
assignment operator (=): 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
associative arrays: 8.13. Counting Files by Types
41.5.3. Hashes
(see also hashes)
awk utility: 20.10.5. Variables and Array Assignments
at commands: 25.1. Building Software Robots the Easy Way
25.5. The at Command
-l option: 25.7. Checking and Removing Jobs
-r option: 25.7. Checking and Removing Jobs
atq command: 25.7. Checking and Removing Jobs
25.8. Avoiding Other at and cron Jobs
atrm command, removing jobs in queue: 25.7. Checking and Removing Jobs
limiting file size: 15.5.2. Other Ideas
quieting output: 25.6. Making Your at Jobs Quiet
AT environment variable: 3.9. Gotchas in set prompt Test
-atime operator (find command): 9.7. The Times That find Finds
atan2 command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
atomic operation, testing for and creating lockfile: 36.27. Shell Lockfile
attribute code (bold, underscore, etc.): 8.6.2. Configuring It
Audio::SoundFile module: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules): 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
with SMB server: 47.3. Securing Samba
SSH: 51.2. Protecting Access Through SSH
problems with: 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
auto-save file (Emacs): 19.4. Backup and Auto-Save Files
autoconf utility: 40.4. Simplifying the make Process
autoincrement (++) operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
autoloading shell functions: 29.13.2. FPATH Search Path
Korn shells: Korn shell
automake utility: 40.4. Simplifying the make Process
automated deletion commands, risks of: 14.17. Deleting Stale Files
automatic directory setup: 31.13. Automatic Setup When You Enter/Exit a Directory
automating /bin/passwd: 28.18.2. Automating /bin/passwd
autowrite (vi), job control and: 23.6. Job Control and autowrite: Real Timesavers!
awk utility: 20.1. Why Line Editors Aren't Dinosaurs
20.10. Quick Reference: awk
-f option: 36.3. Don't Need a Shell for Your Script? Don't Use One
arrays and: 20.10.5. Variables and Array Assignments
associative arrays: 8.13. Counting Files by Types
centering lines: 21.8. Centering Lines in a File
command-line syntax: 20.10.1. Command-Line Syntax
counting files by types: 8.13. Counting Files by Types
echo command, using with: 36.23.2. Using echo with awk or cut
eval compared to: 35.19. Shell Script "Wrappers" for awk, sed, etc.
extended regular expressions, use of: 32.4. Using Metacharacters in Regular Expressions
32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
grep programs: 13.1. Different Versions of grep
lexical analyzer: 16.8. Looking for Closure
line-by-line and search using: 13.10. Compound Searches
line-numbering with: 12.13. Numbering Lines
operators: 20.10.4. Operators
20.10.4. Operators
patterns: 20.10.2. Patterns and Procedures
procedures: Procedures
regular expressions, documentation for: 32.21. Pattern Matching Quick Reference with Examples
running directly: 36.3. Don't Need a Shell for Your Script? Don't Use One
searching for a character in a column: 13.13. Finding a Character in a Column
sorting lines by length: 22.7. lensort: Sort Lines by Length
straightening columns: 21.17. Straightening Jagged Columns
variables: 20.10.3. awk System Variables
20.10.5. Variables and Array Assignments
wrappeing awk programs in shell scripts: 35.19. Shell Script "Wrappers" for awk, sed, etc.

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